Drone Service

Drone Live Streaming in Dubai

Live Broadcast

Drone Service

Drone Live Streaming in Dubai

Live Broadcast

Lifelike Live Broadcast

Get a keen-sighted eye in the sky to catch every moment live. Space Drone Dubai, one of the best Drone Companies in Dubai captures everything from a birds’ eye view and brings you the footage with Zero Latency. We conquer the sky to capture the actions and reflect the actions with precision and clarity.

Drone crew with immense experience and expertise ensures safe flying without compromising on the quality of the visual. Certified by UAE General Civil Aviation Authority and Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Space Drone Dubai guarantees hassle-free permits to fly across the skies in the UAE.

Broadcast TV Shows Live

Don’t miss out on the splendour and vigour of TV Shows. Our TV Broadcast Drone gives you exemplary visual support to captivate the spectators. With stupendous experience in live broadcasting all types of TV Shows, Space Drone can broadcast music shows, cultural events and other TV Programmes maintaining the rhythm.

Our DJI Inspire 2 drone cameras can replace crane shots, dolly shots and jib shots to ensure safe capture without disturbing the audience.

Live Broadcast Sports the Sporty Way

Spot it right to get the best live broadcast support for sports coverage. Dubai drone live broadcast systems by Space Drone gives you field-tested and reliable live broadcast support for various sporting events such as Cycling, Camel Race, Horse Race and Football matches.

Live Broadcast Events

Broadcast public or private events live, ensuring the real-time representation of the imagination and execution of the event. A trusted drone live streaming in Dubai assures Full HD videos with zero latency. Live Streaming of the event through YouTube or Facebook can also be managed.

Our Heavy Lifter M600 Pro and Inspire 2 drone cameras to assure you fabulous visual experience in live broadcasting of Events, Sports Events and TV shows.

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